E-Sign System Requirements

To access and retain the electronic Communications, you will need the following:

  • A computer or mobile device with Internet or mobile connectivity.
  • For desktop website-based Communications:
    • Recent web browser that includes 256-bit encryption;
    • The browser must have cookies enabled. Use of browser extensions may impair full website functionality; and
    • Minimum recommended browser standards are the most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox (see http://www.mozilla.com for latest version), Apple Safari (see http://www.apple.com/safari for latest version), or Google Chrome (see http://www.google.com/chrome for latest version).
  • For application-based Communications:
    • A recent device operating system that supports text messaging, downloading, and applications from the Apple App Store or Google Play store; and
    • The most recent versions of Apple Safari or Google Chrome on iOS or Google Chrome for Android OS.
  • Access to the email address used to create an account for MobiAppOne App or Services.
  • Sufficient storage space to save Communications and/or a printer to print them.
  • If you use a spam filter that blocks or re-routes emails from senders not listed in your email address book, you must add hello@mobiapp.one to your email address book.
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